Abundance Blueprint

Transform your money frequency in 21 days because your reality cannot exceed your Beliefs & Identity! Lifetime Community!

Course Curriculum

Mind Coach Jyoti Mehta

A daughter to two simple villagers, a wife and a mother to two kids, Jyoti Mehta is an internationally certified life coach and master to 11 healing modalities. She is Reiki and Money Reiki Grandmaster, an Akashic Record Reader, Aura Reader and a Tarot Reader. Her coaching is a perfect amalgamation of modern science and ancient wisdom. She is the founder of "Demystify Life", a life School where she provides more than 30 courses for self-empowerment at the Mind-Body-Soul Level. She coined the term "Karmic Ho'oponopono". She is an Alpha Female leading, healing & nurturing life-long self-growth transformative communities for their self-mastery in thoughts, emotions, focus and vibrations to create their desired life. Her hand-holding is her USP!

Course Pricing

Abundance Blueprint

24999 INR
  • Learn to measure and shift your mediocre money identity and defective money blueprints!

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