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Focus Smackdown
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Day - 1
Day - 2
Day - 3
Day - 4
Day 1 Webinar
Importance of Writing
Art of asking right questions
Why do you need focus?
Why do you feel you are not focused?
Where is your focus?
Decide the measurable parameters
Manifestation for the Goals
Manifestation Meditation
What stops you?
Energy Levels & Nutritional Deficiency
Lack of deep sleep and Dopamine Deficiency
Shallow Breathing & Dehydration
Lack of Movement & Lack of Sunlight
Multi-Tasking drains your Energy
Manifesting a goal
Distractions are blames!
Types of Attention
Audit your day
Why are you distracted? You practised it
Real inner deeper reasons for being distracted
Integrate Focus in Life
Physical Declutter
Mental Decluttering
5 by 5 Rule
Online Decluttering
Emotions and Power of Language
EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique
Short EFT
Activate your RAS
Create Inner Focus Vibration
External Focus Vibration
Box Breathing
X-4X-2X and Dantian Breathing
Myths of Meditation
Meditation Practice
Guided Meditation- Discussion
Change the definition of freedom
Principles behind procrstination
10 reasons you procrastinate
Why you should not procrastinate?
Tips to smash procrastination
Tips to Smash Procrastination -continued
Productivity Guilt
Why not to make To-do List
Replace To-do List with Eisenhower Matrix
Correct way of To-do List
Time Boxing- Pomodoro Technique
Time Boxing Day and Week
7 Step Micro Goal Achieving Formula
Check your believability index
Set goal for Jan
Concentrate while driving
13th Feb- setting up goals
1st May
15th May
22 May
29th June- integrate focus
5th June- shifts to "wants"
Day 1 Webinar
Importance of Writing
Asking the right question to Mind
Why do you want to be focused?
What makes you feel you are not focused?
Define your 6 tasks to continue
Current state of tasks and action plan
Manifestation Practice
What is stopping you from being focused?
Focus Killers Part 1
Focus Killers Part 2
Focus Killers continues (hydration & oxygenation)
Lack of Movement and Lack of Sunlight
Multi tasking or Multi Switching
Distraction- The Blame Story
Types of Attention
Law of Practice- Distraction is easier
Dolly took charge of conscious attention
Root Internal Causes of Distraction (Present Bias)
Internal Causes of Distraction (Pattern)
Cause of Distraction Like/Want Circuits
Tool- Integrating Focus in Life
Tool- Physical Declutter
Review and Revision
Tool- Mental Decluttering
Tool- Emotional Declutter
Short EFT
Tool- Online Decluttering
Activating RAS - Cosmic Angle
Tool - Focus Vibration (Internal)
Review and Revision
Tool- Focus Vibration (External)
Tool - Breath
Tool - X-4X 2X Breathing
Tool - Meditation made easiest
Smashing Procrastination
Why do we procrastinate? Anchor for action taking
Pain & Pleasure Principle- Love Vibration
10 Reasons you Procrastinate
Why you should not procrastinate?
Tools to smash procrastination
Tools to smash procrastination
Productivity Guilt
Time Boxing
Why not to make to-do list
Eisen-Hower Matrix
Tips to make To-do List Successful
Google Calendars
Dolly's Focus Journey
Shanker's Focus Journey
Avishek's Feedback
Last Note
Baseline Dopamine
Micro Goal Setting
BONUS - Awaken The Super Memory
Day - 1
Day - 2
Day - 3
Day - 4
Day - 1 Awareness
Day 1 Webinar
Day - 2 Setting the Parameters
Importance of Writing
Art of asking right questions
Why do you need focus?
Why do you feel you are not focused?
Where is your focus?
Decide the measurable parameters
Manifestation for the Goals
Day - 3 Focus Killers
Manifestation Meditation
What stops you?
Energy Levels & Nutritional Deficiency
Lack of deep sleep and Dopamine Deficiency
Shallow Breathing & Dehydration
Lack of Movement & Lack of Sunlight
Multi-Tasking drains your Energy
Day - 4 Attention & Distraction
Manifesting a goal
Distractions are blames!
Types of Attention
Audit your day
Why are you distracted? You practised it
Real inner deeper reasons for being distracted
Day - 5 Integrate Focus and Declutter
Integrate Focus in Life
Physical Declutter
Mental Decluttering
5 by 5 Rule
Day - 6 Online and Emotional Declutter
Online Decluttering
Emotions and Power of Language
EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique
Short EFT
Activate your RAS
Day - 7 Create Focus Vibrations
Create Inner Focus Vibration
External Focus Vibration
Day - 8 Breath and Meditation
Box Breathing
X-4X-2X and Dantian Breathing
Myths of Meditation
Meditation Practice
Guided Meditation- Discussion
Day - 9 Smash Procrastination
Change the definition of freedom
Principles behind procrstination
10 reasons you procrastinate
Why you should not procrastinate?
Tips to smash procrastination
Tips to Smash Procrastination -continued
Day - 10 To Do List & Productivity Guilt
Productivity Guilt
Why not to make To-do List
Replace To-do List with Eisenhower Matrix
Correct way of To-do List
Time Boxing- Pomodoro Technique
Day - 11 Micro Goal Achieving Formula
Time Boxing Day and Week
7 Step Micro Goal Achieving Formula
Check your believability index
Community Meet
Set goal for Jan
Concentrate while driving
13th Feb- setting up goals
1st May
15th May
22 May
29th June- integrate focus
5th June- shifts to "wants"
DAY 1 - February 2025
Day 1 Webinar
Importance of Writing
Asking the right question to Mind
Why do you want to be focused?
What makes you feel you are not focused?
Define your 6 tasks to continue
Current state of tasks and action plan
Manifestation Practice
What is stopping you from being focused?
Focus Killers Part 1
Focus Killers Part 2
Focus Killers continues (hydration & oxygenation)
Lack of Movement and Lack of Sunlight
Multi tasking or Multi Switching
Distraction- The Blame Story
Types of Attention
Law of Practice- Distraction is easier
Dolly took charge of conscious attention
Root Internal Causes of Distraction (Present Bias)
Internal Causes of Distraction (Pattern)
Cause of Distraction Like/Want Circuits
Tool- Integrating Focus in Life
Tool- Physical Declutter
Review and Revision
Tool- Mental Decluttering
Tool- Emotional Declutter
Short EFT
Tool- Online Decluttering
Activating RAS - Cosmic Angle
Tool - Focus Vibration (Internal)
Review and Revision
Tool- Focus Vibration (External)
Tool - Breath
Tool - X-4X 2X Breathing
Tool - Meditation made easiest
Smashing Procrastination
Why do we procrastinate? Anchor for action taking
Pain & Pleasure Principle- Love Vibration
10 Reasons you Procrastinate
DAY 10
Why you should not procrastinate?
Tools to smash procrastination
Tools to smash procrastination
Productivity Guilt
Time Boxing
DAY 11
Why not to make to-do list
Eisen-Hower Matrix
Tips to make To-do List Successful
Google Calendars
Dolly's Focus Journey
Shanker's Focus Journey
Avishek's Feedback
Last Note
COMMUNITY MEET- Micro Goal Setting
Baseline Dopamine
Micro Goal Setting
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