Money Reiki

Be a Money Reiki Grandmaster. Heal your own and also other's money frequency.

🌟 Unlock Financial Abundance with Money Reiki Grandmastery! 🌟

Do you want to heal your money energy blockages on your own?
Also extend that help to the family members and world

Its time to transform your relationship with money energy through the power of Money Reiki Healing and that also on your own.  

  ✅  Money Reiki Levels- Practitioner, Mastership and Grandmastership Certification
  ✅  Energetic Healing for Financial Prosperity
  ✅  Shift Your Mindset to Abundance
  ✅  Manifest Financial Success
  ✅  Power to Heal Others
  ✅  Join a Supportive Community of Like-Minded Individuals
  ✅  Another golden feather in your career as a healer or a coach

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A daughter to two simple villagers, a wife, and a mother to two kids, Jyoti Mehta is an educator turned Life Coach, empowering common people with mind tools not taught in schools. An Alpha Female leading, healing & nurturing life-long self-growth transformative communities for their self-mastery in thoughts, emotions, focus and vibrations to create their desired life.

Course Pricing

Money Reiki

11800 INR

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